Sunday 26 July 2015

"Minafon" - beginning week 3!

Week 3 already. Big "move" today was putting up the 4 x 150mm square laminated posts for the deck - and they look great. At 8.00am tomorrow a crane turns up to lift the 12.5metre laminated beam which sits on top of these posts to support the roof - engineered this way as the "back" wall has so many openings for doors/windows that it isn't strong enough on its own to support the roof. Biggest beam the Thompsons have ever placed they tell me so hopefully all goes well in the morning. Talked with them about changing the ramp and they had thought the same thing so it will now be a bit longer and thus less slope - much more wheel-chair/walker friendly! Framing is still going along and the roof trusses are due sometime this week so will hopefully be on the way up before Friday. Due to popular request, a couple of photos today of the tiles we've chosen - no correspondence will be responded to!!
The deck posts - top beam goes on  tomorrow

ensuite/bathroom floor tile - white walls tiled to shower height

laundry floor

wall feature tiles - bottom is for ensuite, top for bathroom

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