Wednesday 22 July 2015

"Minafon" - Thursday, week 2

Yesterday we had a floor, today we have walls! We can now clearly see the outline of the rooms emerging - all as envisaged thanks goodness! Rain interrupted  progress this afternoon but all being well with the weather tomorrow, the wall framing should be done with the roof trusses to be on early next week followed of course by the roof. Incredible.

Another visit to the cabinet-makers (Choice Kitchens) this afternoon to finalise the kitchen (done) and start looking at the ensuite, bathroom, toilet and laundry vanity units, benches, cupboards and shelving. Discussed all that and they are to draw up the designs and get them to us early next week. Things, as you can gather, are moving fast but so far it has really been quite stress-free and in fact great fun (may that continue!!!!)

Also had a "conference" with friend Pud over coffee this morning and planned out the location of light switches/powerpoints because as soon as the frame is finished we have a meeting with the electrician to finalise all that stuff for the wiring to be done.
rooms opening onto deck - from left, the "media" room; kitchen/eating; &bedroom

garage/laundry slab now with ramp into the house

our bedroom and ensuite (shower recessed) - looking towards deck/river

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