Wednesday 16 October 2013

Day 53 (Wednesday) Beaune to ???

Some biking days are magical - and today wasn't one of those days!! - but it wasn't too bad as things turned out eventually.

Bad start. Collected the bikes from the hotel store-room and wandered downtown to go to the shop we found yesterday to get the lunch things. Shop had disappeared. Eventually gave up on the shop and went to a lovely bakery and also the fruit market for some beautiful figs and strawberries. Decided to forget the wine for the day. Then found the saddles were too low to ride the bikes and there was no release - where to find an allen key??? Eventually found one in a pocket of the saddlebag and so then set off to find the route for the day. Another problem - no similarity between the instructions and the street (Rue) names we could see.

After some frustrating searching, found the information centre and asked - found the instructions were so vague that the lovely lady there drew me another diagram to get to the way out of town and so we eventually got on our way. Weather was overcast and cool but no rain at that stage so we were soon enjoying a beautiful ride through the Burgundy countryside - wineries, beautiful villages and alongside a stream bubbling over rapids - fantastic.

We had realised that with our late start that we would probably not get the full 45k ride done today and when the route took us along a really rough dirt track still rain-affected from yesterday we decided to turn back rather than risk being stuck in the middle of nowhere in the dark. Good decision.

So we got back into town circa 4 and after a good hot bath (we had ridden circa 30 k so did very well) headed out to check out a restaurant that had been recommended by the tour organisers. Looking at the menu convinced us it was not for us so took an excursion to find a place for dinner - Foi Gras being the required dish!! Found one and went there for dinner and had the required Foi gras as well as lamb shanks - beautiful, Had a very nice young American couple at the next table and enjoyeed a very pleasant night.

Cheers all

Trivia: In cycling there is no such thing as "lost"

*along the road to Bouilland (somewhere)
*our little stream - ideal spot for lunch
*one for Claire

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