Wednesday 2 October 2013

Day 39 (Wednesday) Florence

Florence is BEAUTIFUL - we certainly put it in the top few cities in our limited experience anyhow.The disadvantage of everything being so close is that there is no bus/tram/train ride to give you even a brief respite from the hard walking on cobbled streets.

First task of the morning (after breakfast that is) was to head to the station and get the tickets for Venice tomorrow. Used the beaut little auto booking machines they have in Italy and after a bit of sorting, out came or tickets, seat allocation and everything. Easy.

As predicted, we went to the "Duomo" - the amazing cathedral of Florence - joined the large queue but got in quite quickly. Huge surprise. For abuilding that is so decorated and complex on the outside, this is quite austere on the inside - a pleasant change from the usual gold and decoration. It is all the better for it - quite magnificent. Down into the crypt and you can go through the remains of the previous smaller cathedral which stood on this site until they demolished it to build this one, commencing in 1296. The "new" one is150metres long and 90 m wide - immense.

We followed the Miles "tradition"  -  where there is a dome, we will climb it - this time all 474 stairs!! As in St Paul's (London, not Maryborough) the climb brings you firstly to the interior of the dome so you look down on the nave of the church before entering the space between the internal and external domes to reach the lantern and emerge ouside to amazing views of Florence.

We then headed to the famous "Ponto Vecchio" across the Arno River with its beautiful jewellry shops built on the bridge - more gold and silver and diamonds and watches than we've ever seen. Resisted temptation. Marta our B&B lady had recommended San Bevitore's restaurant along the Via Spirito for a good lunch so we tried it out and weren't disappointed - probably the busiest restaurant we've ever been in but the food was magnificent (but please don't get the idea that we are just here to eat!!!!)

We have really just loved Florence. The shops are just amazing - incredible stock and beautifully displayed. The architecture is pure middle ages but reflects the huge wealth of Florence at that time - massive villa type buildings with lots of decoration and statues everywhere. After our magnificent lunch, very small dinner tonight close to the apartment.

Cheers all

Trivia: The Medici family were the source of most of the wealth in the Florence/Tuscany area. The were originally merchants who eventually owned the largest bank in Europe. As well as sponsoring such luminaries as Machiavelli and Michelangelo, they produced 4 Popes and 2 queens of France! they "ruled from the 1400's until1737.

* view of Florence from the top of the cathedral's dome
* the "Ponto Vecchio"
*David - this is a photo of the re-production outside the town hall, but this gives an idea of the size of the statue - not as beautiful as the marble original.

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