Saturday 12 October 2013

Day 49 (Saturday) Split to Plitvicka Jezera

Very sad to leave Split - the Palaca Judita was the best hotel we have ever stayed in and Split was a beautiful spot in its own right - and we got to go to some of the best little back-street restaurants ever on Marija's recommendations. Very happy memories all round. Andreja took us in his "Pope-mobile" to the car park and we got away at about 11.30 - navigated out of Split without getting lost (yeah again!!!) and were soon on the A1 heading north.

Can't rave enough about the Croation highways - they are fantastic. Even wound the Fiat up to 130 cruising and had to hit 150 to pass a bus before the merc coming up behind caught us. There are viaducts over 300m high, one tunnel was 5.7 km and the amount of work still going on is amazing to see - another world. Will I ever cope with Hyundi Excels and caravans again??? It must have been Audi benefit day today - they just kept flying past, one black one must have been doing more than 200k as he just flew past us and disappeared!! Only drawback was when we exitted after about two and a half hours we had to pay 80kuna (10euro, A$18) - but worth it to cover so much territory so quickly. If only the Fiat was more comfortable!!!

We were in the hotel at Plitvickia by 3 and although it was quite cloudy, the guy who booked us in said it would remain fine - go and get your National Park ticket and go for a walk - if we bought a ticket for today, the hotel would endorse it for tomorrow as well. Good idea. So we changed into the hiking shoes and off we went - straight into a huge downpour! Luckily we had insured by taking the wet weather gear so it wasn't too bad. The lakes are incredibly beautiful - on different levels with waterfalls between them. There are boats and motor-trains to take you gratis all over the park so we are looking forward to tomorrow - just won't check the forecast with the guy on the front desk!

Another "touring in Croatia" story - toilets often have an entry charge. Went to the one outside Dubrovnik yesterday and sorted our change to both meet the 5kuna entry. Elizabeth had the 5 Kuna coin and went in. I had the 2k+2k+50c+50c and in went the 2x2 kunas but the machine wouldn't take the 2x50c - lady on the turnstile just shrugged and shook her head. "But I've already put in 4 kuna" - more shrugging and "Niet" - "If I can't go in (I was a bit desperate) I want my 4 Kuna back" - more head shaking. "Not moving" She eventually grumbled, more head shaking and unlocked the gate to let me in! Desperate needs require desperate measures!

.........and you haven't really appreciated quality music until you've heard "I only want to be with you" sung in Croatian!!

Trivia: If you travel the full length of the A1 from Zagreb to South of Split (circa 1000k) it will cost you 170Kuna - A$34 - eat your heart out Airport link!!

*Andreja and his "Pope-mobile" - more on him later!!
*Lake view from our Hotel deck
*On our first lake walk  - the sun came out after we got home!

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