Saturday 5 October 2013

Day 41 (Friday) Venice

Every day brings new surprises and today it was the turn of the Doge's Palace to provide the incredible.

Firstly though the breakfast at the "La Locanda di Orsaria" hotel (hope we don't get lost and have to remember the name!!) is worth mentioning, mainly for the wonderful old gentleman host who treats you like family and looks after you for breakfast - and beautiful cakes, pastries etc also help of course. Again our hotel is great and ideally located for getting around Venice.

The weather is threatening to get a bit damp tomorrow so decided to do St Mark's square this morning to get that in just in case. Beat the crowds and got into the square and then the Doge's Palace, which, as indicated above was a big (pleasant) surprise. The outside is quite familiar of course, but I never realised the magnificence of the interior. We spent the whole morning there, marvelling at the beautiful rooms, most of which were meeting rooms for the various assemblies that governed Venice for four or five centuries. The main assembly room is the largest room in Europe - it held a weekly meeting of over 2000 - each noble family of Venice sent a representative - it also has the world's largest painting on canvas across the end, No photos allowed (but again i-phones etc get away with it) - these rooms were much more impressive than Versailles - more tastefully decorated and beautifully panelled - but still lots of 18crt gold etc on the ceilings.

We have purchased a three day ferry ticket so after a very nice lunch a few streets back from the square we headed for the island of Murano which, as we now realise, is the centre of manufacture of Venetian glass. Another great museum showing the development of glass manufacturing from the first century as well as shop after shop of beautiful glass - lighting, jewellry, vases,etc etc - has to be seen to be believed.

Ferry back to St Mark's Square, then another one all the way down the Grand Canal with its magnificent waterfront villas before heading for dinner at the recommended "Trettoria della Madonna's" seafood restaurant near the Rialto Bridge. Oh dear Oh dear, sorry to relate, this has to have been our best seafood meal anywhere - we had to queu to get in and when we left, the queu went half-way down the laneway. It is a Michelin star restaurant and I've never seen so many white-coated waiters in one place - the service was brilliant. Bit posh? Not really - we had a three-course meal with beautiful wine and coffee - 100euro - we've paid more in Maryborough! Any prospective visitors to Venice, I'll give you the directions!!!

Really pleased also that we have sorted out the water-bus system - it works really well and we've used it constantly. Another navigation achievement!  Cheers all - rain is still forecast for tomorrow and the next day so museums might get a workout.

Trivia: The Doge's Palace was commenced in the 9th century but has experienced numerous fires and reconstructions over the centuries, Most of the current rooms were completed in the mid 1500's.

*The Doge's Palace with gondolas
*The famous "Bridge of Sighs" - links the palace (where the trials were held) with the jail next door (thus the name)
*The "golden staircase" inside the palace

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