Wednesday 16 October 2013

Day 52 (Tuesday) Milan to Beaune (pronounced Boonah!)

3 countries in one day - not bad! Problem uploading blogger at the moment so not sure when you will get to read this - if at all! just not working, even though wi-fi signal is fine.

Early start to the day as the train left Milan at 8.30 and there were a few potential traffic jams between our hotel and the station - did not want to tackle the metro in peak hour with all our luggage so enjoyed another grumpy Milan taxi driver - no tip again.

Lovely train trip firstly to Lausanne so went through nth Italy, past the beautiful lake Como plus others then through the Italian Alps into Switzerland. Never thought we'd be back in Switzerland so soon and it was terrific to enjoy it again. Incredible contrast by travelling through just one tunnel - on the Italian side quite beautiful but varied standard of villages, messy railyards with lots of old delapidated buildings etc - into Switzerland and suddenly everthing is almost picture perfect - even the railyards are organised and tidy - neat villages, beautiful roads with rock walls, perfect rows and terraced grape farms. Quite an amazing contrast.

Changed trains in Lausanne - another w.c. story - need to visit at the station, but turnstile only takes Swiss francs - we only have euro and no need for swiss franks - finally find a cafe willing to take euro and get coffee and change in francs - now able to visit the loo!!!

Now on the French TGV which is by far the best of the fast trains. The first part of Switzerland had been with the Alps on either side with fresh snow - stunning scenery but from Laussane we went north through parts of Switzeerland we had not seen before - no signs of mountains, just magnificent rolling grassy farmland with lots of swiss cows and crops. Really beautiful. Then through the French Alps and into Dijon.

Had to get our tickets to Beaune and also get our tickets to Paris for Saturday - struck "only speak French" lady at front of ticket office but the ticket guy himself was good fun and spoke quite good English. "Only 2 TGV to Paris this Saturday - rocks on track"  -  "well tell them to take the rocks off" I replied. "No, lots of rocks on track this saturday" - "what sort of rocks?" - "repairing rocks"  - i then relised that "rocks" was his version of "works" !!   Once we sorted that out, his next bit of good information was that this Saturday is the beginning of school holidays and only first class tickets were available and no seniors discount during holidays!! Outcome is we have a 200euro trip to Paris on Saturday and have to start with the 7.30 train from here. Not to worry.

Beaune where we are based for the next three days is a beautiful village - centre of the Burgundy wine industry and very historic - some beautiful old buildings in the walled village. Some light rain predicted for tomorrow and sunny for Thursday/Friday so planning on some good rides into the beautiful countryside!!

Cheers all, and hope you get to read this blog before too long!!

Trivia: Today we went through Dijon - famous of course for ..................mustard!!!!!

*Elizabeth's idea of a perfect train!
*the typical French village streets of Beaune
* our hotel in Beaune - "Hotel Athanor"

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