Wednesday 29 July 2015

"Minafon" - week 3, Thursday

First visit to find the site deserted!! They're waiting for the delivery of the roof trusses and they are "due" this week so we'll see what tomorrow brings. In the meantime, the front porch bearers and posts are now in so you can see what is shaping up there and I've included a shot of the street view with the garage window spaces and a view "down" the hallway and through the "back door" to the river bank. By the way, you can click on each photo for full size!
street elevation becoming clearer - garage windows and study windows identifiable - note our resident (tame??) magpie!! 

front entry porch (steps to come this way)with study windows

"view" down the hallway, through the back door to the river

"Minafon" - Week 3, Wednesday

Another day of progress and development! Today the bearers for the deck have been installed - they are massive hardwood bearers (ironbark!!) - the deck is not going to be in any danger of collapse that's for sure. They were working on the front porch posts etc this afternoon as well as the window framing and lots more framing work.

Got a call from Graham the joiner this afternoon wanting us to go over and have a look at the front door. It was designed to have louvres in the side of the frame but Graham thought that there was too little space for them to fit. We had a look and decided that we'll just have a glass panel on the side instead of the louvres. He has started on all the doors (French and sliding) for the bed/eating/media rooms opening onto the deck - they are absolutely beautiful - can't wait to see them in place. He said Steve is "putting the pressure on" for them to be ready next week so we shouldn't have long to wait. Great being able to work with such terrific local craftsmen.
beautiful iron bark bearers (from Wondai Mill)  - the deck is definitely not "under-engineered" !!!

Monday 27 July 2015

"Minafon" - week 3, Tuesday

We went across early this morning to watch/photograph the big alfreso beam being put in place with the crane - and arrived just in time to see the crane and Steve departing with the beam already in place and Scott bolting it to the posts. Never mind, but would have been good photos!

Accepted the quote from Solahart for solar panels today - they are doing the solar hot water for the builders and their quote was very good so we've made it simple and they can do it all.
the 12.5 metre beam in place 

Sunday 26 July 2015

"Minafon" - beginning week 3!

Week 3 already. Big "move" today was putting up the 4 x 150mm square laminated posts for the deck - and they look great. At 8.00am tomorrow a crane turns up to lift the 12.5metre laminated beam which sits on top of these posts to support the roof - engineered this way as the "back" wall has so many openings for doors/windows that it isn't strong enough on its own to support the roof. Biggest beam the Thompsons have ever placed they tell me so hopefully all goes well in the morning. Talked with them about changing the ramp and they had thought the same thing so it will now be a bit longer and thus less slope - much more wheel-chair/walker friendly! Framing is still going along and the roof trusses are due sometime this week so will hopefully be on the way up before Friday. Due to popular request, a couple of photos today of the tiles we've chosen - no correspondence will be responded to!!
The deck posts - top beam goes on  tomorrow

ensuite/bathroom floor tile - white walls tiled to shower height

laundry floor

wall feature tiles - bottom is for ensuite, top for bathroom

Friday 24 July 2015

"Minafon" - end of week 2

Paid a visit with Pud and Robyn O'Donoghue this morning and took a walk through to check out all the rooms - very pleased with the reality of the layout (bit hard to picture just from the plan) - just need to see Steve on Monday and change the slope of the ramp into the garage/laundry. All the timber for the deck framing and posts is there so that looks like going up early next week. Very exciting to really see it all coming together after all the planning etc.
still a lot of lawn to mow!! - "back" view with the river behind us

street view 

Wednesday 22 July 2015

"Minafon" - Thursday, week 2

Yesterday we had a floor, today we have walls! We can now clearly see the outline of the rooms emerging - all as envisaged thanks goodness! Rain interrupted  progress this afternoon but all being well with the weather tomorrow, the wall framing should be done with the roof trusses to be on early next week followed of course by the roof. Incredible.

Another visit to the cabinet-makers (Choice Kitchens) this afternoon to finalise the kitchen (done) and start looking at the ensuite, bathroom, toilet and laundry vanity units, benches, cupboards and shelving. Discussed all that and they are to draw up the designs and get them to us early next week. Things, as you can gather, are moving fast but so far it has really been quite stress-free and in fact great fun (may that continue!!!!)

Also had a "conference" with friend Pud over coffee this morning and planned out the location of light switches/powerpoints because as soon as the frame is finished we have a meeting with the electrician to finalise all that stuff for the wiring to be done.
rooms opening onto deck - from left, the "media" room; kitchen/eating; &bedroom

garage/laundry slab now with ramp into the house

our bedroom and ensuite (shower recessed) - looking towards deck/river

Tuesday 21 July 2015

"Minafon" - Wednesday week 2

Not as much to see today - Steve has finished the flooring (base flooring only of course) and today they have been cutting the frame timber ready to start putting up the wall frames - might start that tomorrow but the weather forecast isn't too good for the next couple of days so we'll just see how it goes.

Quotes all in for the solar power so we'll make a decision on that tomorrow and off to the cabinet-maker to discuss laundry and bathroom cupboards, vanity units, laminex etc. Armed with tiles from yesterday's decisions to do the matching - hopefully.

Elizabeth sitting in the doorway from kitchen/meals area onto deck!

Monday 20 July 2015

"Minafon" - week 2 begins..........

Second week of construction and already the bearers are fitted and the floor under way!!

We visited the tile supplier yesterday with the intention of "starting" the process of selection of the tiles for bathrooms, laundry and hearth for the fireplace - and left about an hour later with everything done and dusted! Very happy (of course) with our selections but you'll have to wait and see if you agree or not. We haven't been too outlandish with the choices - boring old practical wins again! Should look very smart though.

Another decision required by Mandy today - where do we want to put the solar hot water (and solar panels) unit?? - the truss manufacturer needs to know this afternoon as the relevant roof trusses need to be strengthened and Steve needs the trusses soon. Choice is either on the deck roof (highly visible but best solar aspect) or the  NW side roof (hidden from view but about 9% less efficient) - a balance between aesthetics and efficiency - so with solar, we've decided that efficiency has to win (practical wins again).

The photos today clearly show the deck area so we are already imagining sitting out there with ..........

More updates by the end of the week, weather permitting. These guys never cease to surprise with the rate at which they are getting things done.

"back" deck area now clearly visible - is it big enough???

deck bearers  - look solid enough!

Thursday 16 July 2015

Minafon - end of week 1

Notice the post title change??

Some time ago we decided that the house name historically linked to 136 Pallas Street - "Havillah" - should not be transferred so we set about choosing a new house name. Being lovers of the Welsh countryside and their beautiful, musical language (not to mention their singing!!) we thought that might be a good starting point so after much research we settled on what we think is a very appropriate name - "Minafon" which means "by the river" in Welsh - it is pronounced "Meen-av-on" with the emphasis on the "av".  We even consulted the experts in Wales to get the pronunciation correct. Thanks, Jenny and neighbours in Llangindir!!

As Steve had promised, the slab for the garage, laundry and store-room went down today - didn't envy the workers as it has been a freezing day with a strong cold westerly blowing so outdoors was not really the place to be. However, all done and so ready next week for the bearers to go in, floor to be laid and then we get onto the framing. The rate they're going, we may have to start sorting out the "to be decided" things we brought over to "Parkview" sooner than we thought!

Paid a visit to the plumbing supplier this morning and finalised all the taps, basins, toilets, sinks, accessories etc. Amanda there was very helpful and so another big task has been completed quite painlessly. Somehow we've over the allowance again but ..........

slab for garage, laundry and storeroom

posts with kordon termite barrier 

Tuesday 14 July 2015

La Frantz - Day 3

Very brief post today, just to give an update on the next stage in the foundations.

Pretty quick so far - posts were all concreted in Monday and today I found the electrician (Dave) there in the morning putting the power box in and then Steve has been working the rest of the day preparing for the slab to be poured on Friday.

Another blog Friday when that is done!  Also a couple of photos of the River view for those who haven't seen it yet -

slab for garage/laundry/store-room - posts beyond (and Steve)

view up the Mary River from the common walkway 

from the front of our block across to the crop farm & golf course

Monday 13 July 2015

65 La Frantz Drive - Under way!!

Now we are really under way - went past the block on the ride this morning to check the "pegging out" and found the place full of trucks, diggers and workers!

The sand for the slab is down and the holes for all the posts (49 of them) all dug. Posts go in today and the slab for the garage and laundry goes down Friday.

Also went to visit Graham the joiner who will be making the timber doors which will open onto the "river" deck as well as the front door and the internal double doors into the living room. He is obviously a wonderful craftsman - absolutely beautiful timber work and wood carvings done by him adorn his workshop and you can immediately pick his passion for timber work. Great to work with people who really love their work.

We chose "Surian Cedar" for the doors (just Google) - a red cedar which looks very similar to Australian red cedar - but thankfully MUCH cheaper - not to mention available! Really looking forward to seeing these in place.

More news Friday when the slab/foundations will be completed.

Pictures: Elizabeth and Steve the builder standing on the front porch! - the exact outline of the house is clear.

Thursday 9 July 2015

65 La Frantz Drive - the beginning

Having now completed the "interesting experience" of selling 136 Pallas Street (the subject of a full story in itself!!), we are now into the hopefully exciting process of building at La Frantz.

Plans are complete, engineering done and Council approval obtained. The builder is to be Steve and Mandy Thomsen who have an excellent reputation so hopefully it will be an enjoyable project - our meetings with them so far have been terrific so hopefully all continues in the same way. The house was designed by local architect Megan Maher who did a fantastic job in interpreting our wishes into something that would actually work! She was also great to work with and the 6 months' planning exercise will be worth all the consultation and attention to detail that Megan contributed

The contract is for 133 days so we are very hopeful of being in the house before Christmas!

Blogs will probably come along circa weekly as long as there is something significant to report which will hopefully be the case.

So the block is mown, the builder's "facilities" are in place (see photo) and Steve is ready to start pegging out.

The "adventure" is about to begin.............