Sunday 26 August 2018

New Zealand- day 6

Another beautiful winters day - clear skies and no wind and max about 15. As good as it gets.

Left Hastings motel at about 9 and after retracing the route back past the golf club and aero club we headed East into wineterritory. Lots of vineyards with cellar doors - but mostly not open until we reached Te Awa  which had tastings open at 10. Good wine grown in the Gimblett Gravels area and after a bit of testing we selected a bottle of pinot noir to have sometime along the way.

We travelled on a levee bank along the Tutaekuri River across to the coast running beside huge apple and pear orchards where they were taking the opportunity to spray the trees while the wind was so calm.

We reached the outskirts of Taradale and visited the Silky Oaks chocolate factory - needless to say managed to buy some for future sustinence

Easy ride today - very flat, no headwind. Just beautiful sunny sky. Reached our accommodation which would appear to be the best yet - beautiful old double story timber mansion called Ormlie Lodge. QUITE luxurious with heated bathroom floor and beautiful furniture. Great last night of the ride. We finish the ride back in Napier tomorrow and then stay another night there  before driving up the coast to Hicks Bay where we stay and relax for a couple of days.

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