Wednesday 16 September 2015

"Minafon" - week 10, Wednesday

Full steam ahead - gyprock interior now finished and they started on the external cladding today. They will go close to finishing that tomorrow they think, doors also go in tomorrow and then the flooring timber goes down. Soon be ready for the interior contractors - tiling, painting, electrical and plumbing fit-out. Very exciting

You may remember the photo from about week 3 of the "pet" magpie. Well he has now turned vicious of course as its nesting season. According to Danielle our neighbour he ignores everything except cyclists but he really gets nasty with them - got Elizabeth's ear yesterday so now we go with weapon of choice (stick). Scott told us today he follows them around inside (no problem) but flew straight through the house from the river end today, exiting through the open louvres. He must have had millimetres of clearance!!

Hopefully photos of almost completed cladding tomorrow.
Now it starts to look like a real house!

Our bedroom now complete with bulkhead

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