Wednesday 16 September 2015

"Minafon" - week 10, Thursday

Had to take a ride over to the site a bit early today with rain threatening to arrive this afternoon. Managed to avoid the magpie with the help of my trusty weapon so he is learning to not bother with us. Found plenty of progress - the cladding is almost done, the doors are all in and they are starting on the flooring this afternoon. All those things to take and guess what?? - the battery on the camera was almost flat - got two photos in so they follow - will have a lot to report again tomorrow it seems.

The cladding is great - they "blind nail" it (across the top of each "board") so there are no exposed nail heads to treat, fill or to rust later. By the way, the colour showing is just the pre-undercoated condition - the actual colour will come later of course - "pinwheel" if you can find it on a Taubmans colour-chart!

If the rain holds off, might get a "part 2" for today's blog later this afternoon. Don't forget, if you click on the photos  you get full-size - much better.

Meet the builders- Steve (boss), Scotty (son), Brandon (carpenter) and new apprentice (un-named as yet)

now with the doors!!

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