Monday 9 November 2015

"Minafon" - week 18, Monday

Big moment today - we are now the official owners of 65 La Frantz Drive, Tinana!!!!!

Went over to Thomsens this morning with the final cheque and so now we are the owners! Just to make things interesting, the heavens decided to open up and it has been pouring with rain all day and is only just starting to lighten up now (6.00 pm)

So no solar fitted today as planned, no flyscreening fitted either but the carpet guys managed to get in without dragging mud through the place and the carpets look great. We started taking stuff across this afternoon and so more will go tomorrow when hopefully it will be fine. Big moving day is Wednesday.

Will try and get some photos tomorrow - in the meantime, have a look at the beautiful house sign John Howard has made for us - made of "bloodwood" from "Yanco", the property near Surat which Margaret and John owned. Just beautiful and we can't wait to see it in place

Our beautiful house sign

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