Sunday 1 November 2015

"Minafon" - week 17, Monday

A blog after all! Seems that even when "nothing" is supposed to be happening, things still happen!

Peter has sanded the floors and indicated that 1st coat goes on tomorrow, 2nd on Wednesday and 3rd on Thursday. Done.

The Thomsens were also there today doing the driveway and aprons under the front and rear steps along with installing the clothes line. Dave was also there doing some final electrical work apparently. No body ever stops apparently.

Went through a whole lot of "final" stuff with Mandy on the phone this afternoon and she said she will arrange final inspection on Monday which means we can theoretically move in next Tuesday so we've re-booked for next Wednesday (being 11th is better than Friday 13th!!)
driveway done - I now need to add grass-pavers!

1st sanding of floors (black bits are sandpaper)

concrete aprons done for both stairs

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