Saturday 10 May 2014

Canberra trip -day6 (Jenolan Caves)

Hi all

Seeing we didn't get our walk  yesterday afternoon we went for an early walk along the Blue Lake which, if you've ever been there, you'll know is just beautiful - and patiently waited for the alleged platupus to make an appearance. Eventually he obliged and I even got some great photos - have to wait until we get home to share unfortunately.

Decided to do a couple of cave tours - what else do you  do in Jenolan??? - but couldn't remember which ones we had done previously so took pot luck and did the Orient in the morning and Temple of Baal in thhe afternoon - the first turning out to be a new one for us and the second we'd done but still magnificent. The caves really are a wonder - nothing like them anywhere else in the world really and the reactions of overseas  visitors in the group reflected that.

If you've never ben to Jenolan, add it to your "must do"  list for sure!

Another beautiful meal in the dining room!

Talking with the tour guide he recommended we take the alternate road outof Jenolan (didn't know there qas one!) to go to Canberra so we'll do that tomorrow. Been a great  break here.

cheers all

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