Monday 5 May 2014

Canberra Trip - Day 3 (Polkobin)

Hi all

Another apology - forgot to proof-read yesterday's blog and found spelling mistakes - sorry!

Having to do the blog in the afternoons as the wi-fi here can only be accessed at reception which is a bit poor but....

Had a beaut day today. Breakfast is  not available until 8 so no need to get up early! shared the breakfast room with a mob of couples who are here to play golf - just go from course to course for the day while the women go off shopping. The women semed very pleased to wave the guys off at about 9.30 and were then dreading having to listen to the shot by shot description when they get back - but they all seemed pretty happy about it anyway. We headed off armed with our map marked out by the helpful girl at reception and started the winery treck.

I really wasn't sure how it would go but we thoroughly enjoyed it. Firstly to "Audrey Wilkinson's" (never heard of it) which is on top of the highest spot with magnificent views over the Valley. First customers of the morning for a crazy Scot called Eric from Edinburgh so we had a great time with him and tasted lots and laughed a lot as well. And bought some very nice reds.

Headed to Mc Guigans where there is also a cheese factory (bought cheese) and checked out their winery but didn't buy anything and then off to Poole Rock winery (again never heard of it) which was another magnificent setting and again just beautiful wine. Bought more. Also chatted more as there was no-one else there. Then headed for the "small winemakers cellar door" as recommended where we had lunch in again the most beautiful setting (beautiful cheese plater) and then tasted some more and purchased some more (boot is now doubling as wine cellar)

We decided that was enough tasting for one day (don't want to get confused!) so spent the remainder of the afternoon reading with a lovely view of the grounds here.

Judgements: 1. The wine here is fantastic - frankly much more consistently high quality than burgundy. 2. The area is just beautiful - very quiet, peaceful and variety of scenery. 3. They are sadly lacking in cycle facilities which would be just fantastic if they got serious - everything is so close and the terrain is mostly just undulating with the occasional bigger climb but any bikeways are few and far between, poorly maintained and just disappear. It would be a brilliant place to cycle around but we have seen only one couple on bikes. Lost opportunity for tourism.

More of the same tomorrow  which won't be at all difficult to take and the boot should take some more!

cheers all - still no photos I'm afraid.

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