Saturday 10 May 2014

Canberra trip - days 7&8 (Canberra)

Hi all

I'll  combine the two Canberra days into one blog - we've had a great time here with Geoff and Tracey but now approaching exhaustion stage I think.

Had a good trip from Jenolan - the Guide's advice to come via Oberon was good advice. By nature, the road out of Jenolan HAS to be steep and this one was steeper than the usual track in - steepest road we've travelled in Autralia by far. Absolutely magnificent grazing country fom Oberon all the way to Goulburn but a lot of roadwork slowed us down.

Stopped for a break in Goulburn where we wre impressed by the main centre - lots of very good shops and lots of activity. After Goulburn the federal highway means 110km all the way just about to Canberra - easy to see where the road money gets spent!

Got to Canberra about 1 and tried to book into our unit but no-one at the office. went around to Geoff's, had a lovely lunch and tried to check in again - still no-one. Rang the "emergency" number and eventually had retun call from someone who told us where to find the key. Not very satisfactory and when we got to the unit found it to be pretty ordinary to say the least so we've chalked up our first "failure" for so we'll let them know!!

Off to birthday dinner for Geoff  - went to "Grazing at Gundaroo" which is about 30k outside Canberra and was last year's "Restaurant of the Year" and we found out why - just the best  meal and service we've had anywhere and set in an old 1865 pub - just beautiful and HIGHLY RECOMMENDED as was the wine (a Mother's Day gift from the kids)

Sunday: called into a beautiful bakery to get some croissants, bread and bits and came around to G & T's for breakfast. Then to the National portrait gallery (terrific and VERY interesting), the sculpture garden and  a walk in the sunshine along the edge of Lake Burley-Griffin to the "Mork" Thai restaurant for lunch (are you picking a theme here??) which again was great - Canberra certainly has wonderful eating places and we've given them a pretty good try-out.

Back along the Lake to the fishwick markets where we enjoyed coffee (of course) and went shopping for veges, fish, prawns etc which Geoff is going to create into something wonderful for tea.

Tomorrow will see us leaving early and heading via Goulburn up to Tamworth where we'll stop for the night before heading for Brisbane on Tuesday for a pre-Cambodia departure dinner with Heather - then back home wednesday night.

It's been a really great trip - magnificent countryside, wonderful meals and great wine - hard to beat.. Great bithday and Mother's Day celebrations with Geoff and Tracey over the weekend so all together a terrific little break - back to reality on Thursday!

Cheers all - look forward to seeing everyone back home again.

Canberra trip -day6 (Jenolan Caves)

Hi all

Seeing we didn't get our walk  yesterday afternoon we went for an early walk along the Blue Lake which, if you've ever been there, you'll know is just beautiful - and patiently waited for the alleged platupus to make an appearance. Eventually he obliged and I even got some great photos - have to wait until we get home to share unfortunately.

Decided to do a couple of cave tours - what else do you  do in Jenolan??? - but couldn't remember which ones we had done previously so took pot luck and did the Orient in the morning and Temple of Baal in thhe afternoon - the first turning out to be a new one for us and the second we'd done but still magnificent. The caves really are a wonder - nothing like them anywhere else in the world really and the reactions of overseas  visitors in the group reflected that.

If you've never ben to Jenolan, add it to your "must do"  list for sure!

Another beautiful meal in the dining room!

Talking with the tour guide he recommended we take the alternate road outof Jenolan (didn't know there qas one!) to go to Canberra so we'll do that tomorrow. Been a great  break here.

cheers all

Canberra trip-day 5 (Polkobin to Jenolan)

Hi all

We've been "off the air" for a couple of days - Jenolan has NO wifi, NO tv, NO phone reception - so it's been an interesting time - but actually enjoyable. So a few days to "make up" which we'll do slowly - can't get wifi working at our Canberra apartment so will have to work in at Geoff's when possible (like tonight at 11.00pm!)

Plan was to get from Pokolbin to Jenolan by mid afternoon and do some walks but............

Got to Tyrrells winery by 10.00 and really enjoyed it - beautiful wine and very friendly  people. Had to go there as Bishop Tyrrell from Newcastle bought the land for his family and his sons and nephews started the winery. It was Bp Tyrrell who approved the purchase of the six blocks of land that St Paul's stands on -Bought  some bottles of their wine to celebrate.

left there to head to Jenolan but had a minor navigation error and travelled south on the Wollombi Road rather than the intended Putty Road - should not have mattered much but that took us on to the Peaks Ridge Road and after  being on that for quite a long way we came across a terrible accident. When the police arrived they soon came back  to tell us that the road would be blocked for probably the whole afternoon and so we should all "just go back" - advised us that to get to Jenolan we would have to re-trace for aout an hour to the Wisemans ferry turn-off, get to the ferry and then ask directions from there. did that and actually had a beautiful drive along the Hawkesbury River, then to Windsor and Richmond and from there to Jenolan - which we eventually reached at about 6!

Caves House is where we spent part of our honeymoon 40 years ago and would you believe, they gave us the same room! Very nostalgic. I think we're in better condition than Caves House actually - getting a bit in need of TLC but dinner that night was just beautiful and the dining room is still magnificent.

More on day  6 tomorrow and I will try and catch up - been busy but really enjoyable few days (apart from the aweful accident that is)

cheers  all

trivia: Bishop Tyrrell died of a strangulated hernia on which they were attempting to operate without anaesthetic! doesn't bear thinking about.

Tuesday 6 May 2014

Canberra trip - day 4 (Polkobin, last day)

Hi all

Final day in Polkobin. Being "astute" travellers, we had determined that visiting wineries before 10.00 is a waste of time as their opening time is generally at least 10 (found one later today that opens at 9.30) - so decided to go shopping at the "garden village" first and found out that NOTHING opens here before 10!! Very nice village atmosphere but completely lifeless until 10.

Should mention dinner last night - recommended we try IlCacciatore Italian restaurant so we did and had the most beautiful meal - Porcini Mushroom soup followd by scallops with bacon on a bed of cauliflower. Strange combination but absolutely beautiful. great restaurants around here and it's a bit like Greece - nearly every establishment has a chapel as the wedding industry here is huge.

So - wineries today were the ones along Hermitage Road where the scenery is quite spectacular. We visited Ironbark Hill, Tintilla (where we met James the winemaker who won most of the prizes at last year's wineshow apparently) had lunch at the Hunter Valley chocolate company and finally visited Kevin Scoles' Winery who sources all his grapes from the Hunter (most import at least some apparently).  Day done, apart from dinner at another recommended place tonight (Blaxlands). Purchased some more nice wines at each of the cellars so the stocks are looking OK

Weather has been good - very cool breeze blowing to keep the temperature below 20  most of the time but most places have fireplaces etc so nice and warm. Hopefully that continues as we set out tomorrow for Jenolan, travelling on Geoffrey's "toaster road" (family in-joke) so  looking forward to some goods walks etc at Jenolan

Cheers all

Monday 5 May 2014

Canberra Trip - Day 3 (Polkobin)

Hi all

Another apology - forgot to proof-read yesterday's blog and found spelling mistakes - sorry!

Having to do the blog in the afternoons as the wi-fi here can only be accessed at reception which is a bit poor but....

Had a beaut day today. Breakfast is  not available until 8 so no need to get up early! shared the breakfast room with a mob of couples who are here to play golf - just go from course to course for the day while the women go off shopping. The women semed very pleased to wave the guys off at about 9.30 and were then dreading having to listen to the shot by shot description when they get back - but they all seemed pretty happy about it anyway. We headed off armed with our map marked out by the helpful girl at reception and started the winery treck.

I really wasn't sure how it would go but we thoroughly enjoyed it. Firstly to "Audrey Wilkinson's" (never heard of it) which is on top of the highest spot with magnificent views over the Valley. First customers of the morning for a crazy Scot called Eric from Edinburgh so we had a great time with him and tasted lots and laughed a lot as well. And bought some very nice reds.

Headed to Mc Guigans where there is also a cheese factory (bought cheese) and checked out their winery but didn't buy anything and then off to Poole Rock winery (again never heard of it) which was another magnificent setting and again just beautiful wine. Bought more. Also chatted more as there was no-one else there. Then headed for the "small winemakers cellar door" as recommended where we had lunch in again the most beautiful setting (beautiful cheese plater) and then tasted some more and purchased some more (boot is now doubling as wine cellar)

We decided that was enough tasting for one day (don't want to get confused!) so spent the remainder of the afternoon reading with a lovely view of the grounds here.

Judgements: 1. The wine here is fantastic - frankly much more consistently high quality than burgundy. 2. The area is just beautiful - very quiet, peaceful and variety of scenery. 3. They are sadly lacking in cycle facilities which would be just fantastic if they got serious - everything is so close and the terrain is mostly just undulating with the occasional bigger climb but any bikeways are few and far between, poorly maintained and just disappear. It would be a brilliant place to cycle around but we have seen only one couple on bikes. Lost opportunity for tourism.

More of the same tomorrow  which won't be at all difficult to take and the boot should take some more!

cheers all - still no photos I'm afraid.

Sunday 4 May 2014

Canberra trip-day 2 (Polkolbin)

Hi all

Apologies for the lack of photos yesterday - the "attachments" part of the blog template seems to have gone AWOL and I can't find it - sorry. it might re-appear with technical help in Canberra!

Perfect weather today. Ice was falling off the windows of the car as we set off for breakfast at 7.00. Magnificent breakfast - in the B&B style rather than usual motel - porrige, fruits, yoghurts, proper coffee - just beautifully done.

Tamworth was the first "stop" - really sorry you can't  see the photo of us in front of the Golden Guitar but that's a secret that will stay that way! Really easy driving today and took a wander around Muswellbrook after stoppping at a little place outside there which advertised "best coffee  outside Italy" (FALSE). Mus'brk looks pretty down at heal these days with dead town centre. Singleton on the other hand is looking very  prosperous and we enjoyed a good lunch at the bakery. Coffee (again) very ordinary.

New freeways confused the GPS around here so we were in a paddock and confusing the poor lady for a while but we eventually  arrived at the "Polkobin Village" where we are staying for the next two days. very pleasant and quiet and they have briefed us on the recommended wineries to visit (there are literally hundreds to choose from) and where to eat so we're  all prepared!

Looking forward to a couple of days taking in the wineries and cheese and chocolate places that seem to abound here. Tough.

cheers everybody

Caberra trip - day1 (Brisbane to Armidale)

Hi all

We probably never envisaged celebrating our 40th wedding Anniversary quite this way but it has been very special!

What better way to start than having Claire, Jessica and then Tommy jumping into bed with us on a cold Brisbane morning? It was then off to "Billycarts" at the botton of Belair Street for a great family breakfast - including Geoff and Tracey who were up from Canberra (no, not for us but for a wedding so it all worked out well) - again it was freezing and the cafe was packed but they did a great job and we had a terrific time.

We left Brisbane about 11 and had a good run to Stanthorpe where we stopped for lunch and then headed for Armidale.

Found a new feature on the car - going over Ben Lomond with the sleet, fog, low cloud etc had the sound of an alarm going off - what's wrong?? -- Found "ice alarm" showing on the dash with little snowflake symbol and flashing the temperature - 3.5! Needlesss to say toilet stops were brief! Felt sorry for all the poor sheep and cattle looking misrable in the paddocks but everything is green and looking lush.

Arrived in Armidale at 4.30 which was pretty good going - and the temp had reached 6. Looks like another "" success - beautiful motel with freshly cooked biscuits given to us on arrival, beautiful setting on the edge of town away from the highway and lovely room. Anniversary dinner is to be vegetable soup and wedges delivered to the room at 7.00. Perfect. "Moore Park Motor Inn" is recommended. Took a freezing walk around the magnificent grounds before dusk but lovely warm room and huge fireplace in the dining room awaits us for breakfast apparently. My stays in Armidale in Uni days were never like this!

Heading for Polkolbin tomorow - wneries here we come.

Photos attached will be us at sexie coffie yesterday, breaky with the family this morning and the grounds at Moore park - beautiful!