Friday 30 August 2013

Day 6 (Friday) - Istanbul

The main thing we learnt today is that Brisbane does NOT have a traffic problem. The traffic here is unbelievable - total chaos with streets only wide enough for one car and crazy drivers all wanting to go both ways at the same time - absolute bedlam with horns blasting etc - it is just hilarious to stand and watch it all. Add a few suicidal pedastrians and it becomes even more fun.

Another learning is that Maryborough does NOT have a noise problem with the bells. Try every mosque on every hill (there are dozens of them) with loud speakers and their wailing calls to prayer blasting all over the city -starting at 5.15am!!!!  love to see someone here put in a noise complaint!!!

The final learning today is that just walking slowly down the street is hazardous to your health. The shop and restaurant owners come out and just about drag you into their premises. Carpet shops are especially hazardous - these fellows make the Singapore traders look like beginners.

Had a fantastic day though. The morning was spent at the huge bazaar which we were warned by Hussein yesterday is a rip-off, but we did buy some turkish delight which hopefully will make it back into Aus.

This afternoon we went on the cruise on the Bosphorus (connects the Sea of Marmar with the Black Sea) - great views of this huge city - it spreads for a distance of 180km. Amazingly, we went out for our first proper evening meal tonight at a great little roof-top restaurant overlooking the Sea of Marmar.

Up early in the morning to set out to Gallipoli and from there heading down the coast to Ephasus, Troy, Pamukalle, Cappadocia etc for the next 7 days. I think we stay in wi-fi range most of the time!! Hope all are well

1 comment:

  1. Great photos - you look very relaxed Elizabeth - keep the blog rolling.
    Paul &Robyn


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