Thursday 29 August 2013

Day 5 (29 August) - Istanbul

I've no idea how to start telling you about today. Now sitting in the hotel room, Elizabeth resting her feet while we listen to the sounds of the Mufti calling to prayer from the mosque - got the picture? Pretty well exhausted after a most extraordinary day. Today we had Hussein, our personal guide for the day to take us to the sights of Istanbul (note for Geoff - Hussein is actually a contract lawyer (barrister) who does tour guiding in August because the courts are closed down for a break )- very good English, huge knowledge of history and great sense of humour (like all lawyers). He took us to:

   The Roman Hippodrome - remains of the chariot course with a 3000 year old Egyptian obelisk as one of the end markers.

   The "Blue" Mosque - shoes off, ladies' heads covered etc - interior covered in predominately blue ceramic tiles.

   Topaki Palace - palace of the Ottoman Sultans - you can imagine the art works etc

   Sophia - the building where domes were basically "invented" and then spread to the rest of Europe - mind-blowing scale and photos will never do it justice.

   The underground cisterns - built by the Romans (took only 10 months) to secure the city's water supply. Used 360 corinthian and roman columns stolen from temples all around to create an incredible underground structure. Carp swim around to indicate that the water is safe!

   The government art centre where the traditional carpet weaving skills are maintained -   out came the most beautiful carpets you've ever seen and a weaver demonstrated how they are made using double knots - too detailed to tell you here but just fascinating to watch. Sorry kids -  some more of the inheritance went on a silk wall hanging of the "Tree of Life" which will be delivered after we get home. Did you know that they use silk thread to cut  marble?

Other new experiences today - had Kurdish Coffee - absolutely beautiful (Hussein gave us the tips on how to order it and drink it) - also had Turkish Ice-cream (beautiful) and apple tea (sweet).

Not sure, but think we are booked on a cruise on the Bosphorus tomorrow (might be a shorter blog!!) Cheers everyone

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see you spent some of the inheritance on a silk purchase. Cannot wait to see it. Turkish icecream is certainly different but very enjoyable.
    We are tucking into coffee here in Croatia - we ask for Expresso WITH milk and have become quite accustomed to it now but I am sure Sexie Coffee will win in the end.
    Cheers Paul & Robyn


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