Thursday 17 October 2024

China Day 10

Started with a long drive this morning (350km) to Qinging Lake which was a spectacular drive taking us along another 6 lane expressway and gradually climbing to more than 3000 metres above sea level. This took us into the grassland grazing areas where nomadic Tibetan herders keep sheep and yaks. Their homes are tents which are beautifully decorated and of course move with them as they take their herds to lower and warmer areas for winter which is now approaching. 

It also took us into snow country and the first falls of snow occurred yesterday so the mountains were spectacular - every bit as grand and high and rugged as the European Alps. Amazing. The lake itself is huge - 4500 sq km and is salt water and is another huge tourist attraction with hotels, ships and boats for lake cruising. We had another lovely lunch there and then another long drive through spectacular mountains (with snow of course) and eventually arrived  at - yes, another mosque - but this time it was very different, being an occupied Tibetan Mosque complete with monks, university, schools etc. Amazing interiors which unfortunately we we not allowed to photograph.

The most stunning section was the Butter carving building which included unbelievable panels of flowers, figures etc all made from yak butter and kept refrigerated behind glass. Beyond belief - it went around 3 sides of a large building and is 3-4 metres high. They make a new one every year to be displayed in January and the old one is fed to the birds!

Another piece of trivia - many Tibetans choose air orwater buried i.e. they leave the body I the open air to be eaten by birds or they do a water buriel and get eaten by the fish. This explains why they don't eat fish!

Early start I the morning with more wonderful scenery promised for tomorrow. 

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