Monday 27 May 2013

Bronwyn's Rowing career

We travelled to Brisbane last weekend to watch Bronwyn's final event of her illustrious rowing career - she was in the "Women's Fifths" for St.John's College in the annual inter-college regatta! They came fourth which was pretty good as one of their crew was sick and had to be replaced with a novice at the last minute. Everyone - including Tommy - came along to cheer so it was a fun morning - then we drove 3 hours back home.
This is the first post done completely on the tablet, downloading selected photos from the camera etc so it looks like we might be ok. Off to Canberra in a fortnight to see Geoff so we will give it another go then.  cheers everybody

1 comment:

  1. Just posting a "comment" to see if the comment box actually works - I guess if we get to read it we can assume it works!!!


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